Welcome to the community page where CIRS Warriors share their stories to raise awareness of the severe health effects from Toxic Mold. In each story below, you’ll find a beginning paragraph with a link to click on and read more of their journey. We thank you for joining in the Cure CIRS Campaign by learning more about Mold Illness in the hope of helping others. Together we can make a difference.

Change is coming. ♡

♥ Heather Bruch’s Story

I have been asked many times, how was my life prior to being exposed to environmental toxins and my response is, “I have no idea.” Since I was born, I have resided in homes with water damage. As a young child I suffered from chronic gut issues, lung issues, joint pain, headaches, brain fog, frequent health infections, etc. Looking back I had a decent childhood, but wonder what it would have been like if I lived in a safer environment…Read More